Le Bal des Débutantes, also known simply as “Le Bal,” is an annual ball and fashion event held every November in Paris, celebrating young women who are coming of age. The event gathers around 20 to 25 girls, typically aged between 16 and 22, from various countries, along with their parents. This ball introduces these young women to the world of haute couture fashion. Many of them are daughters of famous families, and they wear haute couture gowns from European designers and international fashion houses, along with jewelry from prestigious jewelers.
At Le Bal, these debutantes showcase their first high-fashion outfits. They undergo months of fittings and hours of searching for the perfect dress for this significant event.
“Le Bal is the Met Gala for teenagers,” says Lara Cosima von Donnersmark.
Recently, Le Bal has become one of the most anticipated events for the elite, attracting the attention of both the media and fashion enthusiasts. This year, Apple Martin (daughter of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin) and Lucia Ponti (granddaughter of Sophia Loren) were invited as special debutantes. Apple Martin wore a light blue silk gown with a large black bow, designed by Alessandro Michele for Valentino. It took 750 hours for the designer to complete the dress. To honor her grandmother, a style icon, Lucia Ponti wore an off-shoulder Armani gown with striped details and lace overlays, paired with a diamond and emerald necklace. Meanwhile, Apollonie Halard, daughter of Miranda Brooks and Bastien Halard, wore an ivory Schiaparelli gown with a black train and a pearl collar.
Other standout dresses from the event included a pink and black Schiaparelli gown worn by Apollonie Halard, paired with a pearl necklace. Princess Eugenia de Borbon Vargas wore a gray off-shoulder Caroline Herrera gown with gold metallic details and a diamond crown. Ella Yam’s deep burgundy Giambattista Valli pleated gown stood out for its beautiful, bold, and vibrant color, complemented by a long train. Peyton Spaht wore a Dolce & Gabbana Alta Moda gown with a voluminous skirt adorned with Rococo-inspired mythical scenes. Rysa Panday chose a gold-embroidered Elie Saab lace gown, while Mina Muniz Tschape donned a white corset dress with a cloud-like tulle skirt by Jean Paul Gaultier. Sophie Kodjoe, daughter of And Just Like That… star Nicole Ari Parker, wore a striking violet-red Oscar de la Renta gown paired with a gold necklace.